What is Pick To Light?

Pick to light, also known as DPS (Digital Picking System), is a system that combines computers and alphanumeric display (usually, LED lights) modules to support picking processes in warehouses

Warehouse employees just need to move to where the shelves are lit/display flashing lights and collect the correct quantity shown. This simplifies the process and makes it easy for any employee, newly hired or long-tenured, to perform warehouse picking tasks quickly, easily and efficiently.

Pick To Light can also be integrated with Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP), Supply Chain Management Systems, or other host systems to improve inventory management.

How does Pick To Light work?


Benefits of
Pick To Light

Applying Pick To Light to warehouse management can bring certain benefits to businesses in terms of cost savings and productivity

Difference between
Pick To Light and Manual picking process

Manual picking process (based on checklists)

  • S1: Check List (items and quantity)
  • S2: Look for products
  • S3: Pick
  • S4: Check the selected row and compare it with the list
  • S5: Check the packaging

Pick To Light

  • S1: Pick
  • S2: Press the Confirm button
  • S3: Check the packaging

Pick To Light solution is suitable
for all warehouses in all fields

Pick To Light by VTI Solutions is a great choice for a smart warehouse management solution for businesses across various fields!


Pick To Light helps warehouse management processes in factories become more efficient


Pick To Light eases the burden of identifying the required items from the purchase order


Retail chains, especially supermarkets, can improve arrangement and selection of goods

and many
other fields…

VTI Solutions is an ideal choice for any company looking for an effective warehouse management solution

Complete smart warehouse
with VTI Solutions

In addition to Pick To Light, VTI Solutions offers other effective warehouse management solutions geared toward a smart warehouse model, assisting businesses in improving their market competencies.

RFID technology

RFID – Radio-frequency identification scanning can automatically collect, store and manage data and integrate with manufacturing management software

Warehouse management system WMS-X

WMS-X provides an ideal paperless warehouse management system by encrypting warehouse input and output data, automating warehouse management operations, updating information in real time, and precisely tracking inventory

Manufacturing execution system MES-X

MES-X provides a visual overview through a single integrated information source, real-time monitoring, supporting administrators to update information and make timely and accurate decisions

Why VTI Solutions

Managing inventory easily, proactively, optimally

Paperless warehouse
Manage and store warehouse operations data entirely on mobile/tablet devices, conveniently, visually, and precisely, replacing complex and error-prone paperwork
Manual data input and operations
Replace manual warehouse management tasks with automated processes: data collection, import/export, inventory counting...
Real-time warehouse management
Real-time management allows accurate input and output information recording of raw materials, finished products, and semi-finished products through data encoding via QR code
VTI Solutions can provide both stand-alone warehouse management solutions and integrated warehouse management solutions with other management systems, forming a comprehensive set of smart warehouse solutions